
Overall & Plans For The Future

I have many plans for the future, but I will start with how this year has gone.

This year felt exciting at first, and the prospect of writing my own briefs and choosing my own timetable felt like the ball was in my court. It began well, and I was on track. The dissertation seemed to creep up on me however, and I found that the workload was pretty heavy over the christmas period where I also work the most of my overtime. I felt pretty stressed out when I came back to uni after the christmas period, and after handing in my dissertation I felt that I could then get on with the rest of the briefs.

I felt really happy with my dissertation grade when I finally received my results, so I felt positive for the next semester. Generally my briefs felt exciting to do, and I felt like I was making progress. When Easter came around I had the opportunity to work from home as well, which I enjoyed, because no time was taken out the days by commuting to Leeds. After Easter however I began to start to realise how soon the end of the year was, and so I tried to wrap up my collaborative briefs, and get my portfolio together to present to studios. This all happened so slowly, and I didn't contact any studios because I simply felt as though my portfolio just wasn't ready.

At the stage Im at now, where I am just about to hand in, I feel like everything is still in progress really. Im not going to make myself feel like a failure because I've taken longer to get to a stage that other people may feel they are at, and so I am going to continue to work hard on a few briefs, make my portfolio really presentable, and contact lots of agencies and studios for work placements for over the next few months.

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