
Visiting Professionals: The Democratic Lecture

The Democratic Lecture, by Crag Oldham.

It started off with a lot of swearing, and it finished with even more. Craig came in and delivered a really interesting, and brutally honest talk about his own experience within the graphic design industry, and he passed on some useful information for design etiquette and general do's and don'ts. I was a bit skeptical about this talk, and I thought it might be more of a niche taste, going off the titles of the lectures.

The lecture about 'the importance of tea' went onto the subject of placements, how to act politely when on one, and how to approach getting one. He explained that you may end up being a very good assistant in tea making and handing biscuits around, but on the other hand it may lead you to learn a great deal, and be beneficial to personal development.

His own experience breeds from the confidence he has in himself, and when presenting work it should be good quality, and for example if you can't photograph work well, mock it up in photoshop. He showed his own work from his degree, and explained that he mocked his up due to him lacking skills in photography of work. He went onto his own personal likes and dislikes, and when presenting work certain ways of placing printed pieces annoy him, and so it made me think about how presenting work could potentially make or break getting a placement or a job. This is something I consider now. A portfolio should be a relatively small selection of best work, and along with a strong portfolio, an upbeat and excited attitude always gets attention over someone that isn't interesting or personable.

There are a lot of things that Craig brought up within the lecture that made me think about how I need to present myself, and I think I now have the knowledge for when I will be ready to start contacting professionals for a placement. Im not quite ready yet, but the lecture gave me some vital pointers for when I might be, and when I get there I'll know how to make a brew. (As if I can't make one already!) I came away from the lecture feeling like I was let in on some secrets about the industry I want to work in, and I feel better off from going to it.

On another note, the overall luminous branding and identity for The Democratic Lecture works well with the subject. I don't particularly like the typeface used for the titles, but it still works with the bright colour, and publication design. The open bind is lovely, and crafting shown openly shows off the printers skill in their craft as well. this shows a nice unison between craftsmanship and design.

Wish I bought the book when I was there now.

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